Rev. Jermaine Robertson, Senior Pastor

© Bullock Chapel CME Church 2012-2021.  All Rights Reserved.

214.374.6772  -  3435 E. Overton Road - Dallas, Texas  75216


Church History

Organization of our church was begun by the Late Presiding Elder J. B. Bullock on March 18, 1941 with Rev. Luvert H. Johnson as minister. Before this time, Sunday School was being held in the home of Mrs. Mable Freeman because there was not a Methodist church in the Roosevelt Addition.   The idea of establishing a church of this origin was conceived in the mind of Mrs. Katie Calicutt, first president of the missionary society.  She related the idea to Rev. G. R. Patterson for presentation to Bishop Carter.  

 The idea was accepted with the stipulation that they would purchase a lot for the building. Once the lot was bought, Presiding Elder J. B. Bullock assured them of help in the construction of the church.   A lot was purchased at 2020 Tune Avenue, and work was begun by Christians of the church with the assistance of the ministers of the Dallas District.

 The initial entrance to the church was a joyous time under the leadership of Rev. Luvert H. Johnson and with Rev. J. L. Enox's assistance.  The original name was Roosevelt C.M.E. Church. During the ministry of Rev. Henry Allen, the membership voted to rename it Bullock Chapel C.M.E. Church after the Presiding Elder J. B. Bullock.


In 1973, after careful planning by Rev. E. E. Dykes and the Presiding Elder W. A. Price, the church negotiated the sale of the property to the City of Dallas.  The residents were being relocated because of the flood conditions in the area.  In April 1973, the congregation drew up a resolution in the Quarterly Conference to sell the church and relocate.   The property was sold and the new land was purchased at the site of 3435 E. Overton Rd on October 8, 1973.  


In 1975, the eighth episcopal district and Presiding Bishop C. D. Coleman elected to take Bullock Chapel as a special project and give financial assistance to the church.    In July 1978, God blessed Bullock Chapel with Rev. Earnest Williams.   His financial foresight, his financial management skills and his ability to motivate teamwork, contributed to the dream that was celebrated May 27, 1984, the church burned its mortgage note, and the church was paid in full.    Rev. Williams' motto was "You can't go wrong, doing right”.   


June 1989, Rev. Freddie B. Moore, Sr. was appointed to lead Bullock Chapel to higher heights. Rev. Moore continued to enrich all activities of our church. His philosophy was "That every member should and must be an active participant in the church and all its auxiliaries".  Rev. Moore was a very inspirational pastor, his ambition kept our dreams alive; under his leadership we added three classrooms and a choir room on to our church.


June 2005, Rev. James Larry was appointed as our shepherd.  He has continued to enrich our lives in bible study, stewardship and all facets of worship service.  Pastor Larry's for the last ten years has sponsored a “Back to School Hair/Barber Clinic” which offers free hair styles and school supplies to school-aged students returning to school, serving over 200 youth each year. He has led the church in implementing a Annual Harvest Festival, Drama Ministry, Ministry to Men’s Ministry, and One Church, One School.

Our church has been blessed to have the following ministers as pastors:


Rev. Henry Allen  

Rev. F. L. Jackson

Rev. Charles McDonald    

Rev. E. F. Williams

Rev. J. E. Clark

Rev. E. Keller

Rev. R. Humphrey

Rev. Leroy Haynes

Rev. I. L. Cornelius

Rev. W. A. Walton

Rev. E. E. Dykes

Rev. Freddie Moore  

Rev. C. S. Sneed  

Rev. Allen Sherman

Rev. W. E Green

Rev. James E. Larry

Rev. Jermaine Robertson